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Date : February 17, 2025

Woman With Broken Leg Spotted Fanging It Around Bali On Moped


Bali’s relaxed laws around alcohol and moped rental hiring have made Australians idolise it as a place where The Nanny State does not exist, and where they can drink moonshine liquor and get muffler burns in peace. But the other side of this coin is that people take risks they probably wouldn’t at home, as shown by a recent video…

A woman, likely a tourist, with no helmet and a leg in a cast has been spotted cruising around Bali on a moped. Meme connoisseur The Canggu Pole recently posted footage of the brave soul to their Instagram Story, where their 78.8k followers were able to feast their eyes on “Bali’s final boss.”

WATCH: woman cruises around Bali on scooter with no helmet and a leg in a cast

The woman’s decision to get on a scooter with no helmet and with a broken leg is made even wilder by the harrowing statistics on two-wheeled accidents in Indonesia. Not only are there the regular stories of Australians losing their limbs and suffering brain injuries in accidents but some people go as far as to claim 80% of Bali’s fatal road accidents are motorbike users.

It’s not just “Bali’s final boss” who is happy to cast off on a moped with little fear of grim consequences. Another recent video of an Aussie man holding up traffic by doing burnouts outside a club on a scooter prompted the Internet to label him a “kook” and call for a “mandatory Tourist Visa IQ Test.”

Oh, and there was of course the guy that went arse over sneakers after losing control of his scooter, too, prompting The Canggu Pole to write: “This is why you shouldn’t ride a scooter in Bali…esp if you have no clue how.”

The guy, fortunately, ended up ok, although the bike didn’t. In other Bali-related news, the Indonesian government just passed a controversial bonk ban – which (though it could take three years to come into effect), has a lot of tourists concerned about how it might affect their bedroom activities.

Unmarried couples can only be prosecuted, however, if they’re reported by a spouse, parents or their children. As Professor Simon Butt, Director of the Centre for Asian and Pacific Law at the University of Sydney explains, “[The code] would be applicable to tourists… [But] it is unlikely, in practice, to affect tourists travelling to Indonesia, provided that no such complaints are made to Indonesian police.” 

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