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Date : February 7, 2025
business complaints

Influencer’s List Of Business Class Complaints Goes Viral

business complaints

Business class is a naughty fantasy for most. But apparently, even when you put aside your environmental and financial guilt and get there, it’s not perfect. That’s according to travel blogger Estelle Berglin, whose list of tongue-in-cheek business class complaints has just gone viral.

Estelle Berglin has just punched through the TikTok algorithm with a video showing off all the worst parts of flying business class. Berglin begins the video, which is captioned “things that upset me during my business class flight,” complaining about the hot towels (“were they implying that I looked dirty?”). She then moves on to the toilet (“too peaceful, made me forget I was on a flight”) and the blanket (“too big and cozy, all I wanted to do was sleep”).

WATCH: Estelle Berglin reveals the biggest problems with business class

Next on the hitlist was “extra legroom” which was a very big problem because “I couldn’t touch the floor so much space” and the dining menu, which was annoying because it had too many options to choose from (and because the three course meal was too tasty and made her feel “too full”).

It’s not just travel bloggers who have noticed this pointy end pitfall. It’s also political editors like Adrian Wooldridge, who once  wrote “upgrades are… an invitation to dangerous self-indulgence” admitting he once “decided to go for the full six-course menu, which started with caviar and vodka and culminated via various Far Eastern detours with stilton and other cheese.”

“My fellow travellers arrived in South Africa fresh as daisies for their meetings. I arrived drunk, dishevelled and desperate to nap.”

Adrian Wooldridge

RELATED: Flying Business Class: Why It’s More Stressful Than Economy

Finally, back to Berglin, the entertainment screen and hidden remote controller made her feel like her own home wasn’t smart enough and the huge movie selection meant there wasn’t time to watch everything.

Commenters were split. Some didn’t quite get the joke and roasted Berglin for her audacity to complain about business class (“Look at me I got moneyyyy… And I didn’t make any of it myself,” one wrote), while others commended Berglin for living her best life (“she looks happy tho”).

RELATED: ‘Mistake To Avoid In Business Class’ Claim Sparks Debate

Other comments included: “nahh the leg room isn’t enough my phobia will trigger,” “I really need something to lean my legs on.. otherwise it hurts,” “gal deal with it most of us in economy with like 3 inch leg room,” and “there is never a private toilet on business.”

More noteworthy ripostes from the TikTok brigade were “U wanna switch,” “luxus problems” and “we get it… most of us are poor.”

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The post Influencer’s List Of Business Class Complaints Goes Viral appeared first on DMARGE Australia.

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