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How to Use Protection Magic: 5 Spells That Clear Negative Energy & Shield You From Bad Vibes

How to Use Protection Magic: 5 Spells That Clear Negative Energy & Shield You From Bad Vibes

Knowing how to use protection magic can clear away stagnant energy, shield you from negative vibes and strengthen the barriers of your aura. It can even preserve your vitality and repel people with bad intentions. Plus, it doesn’t have to be complicated in order for it to work! In fact, it’s the simple spells that are often the most effective.

For as long as humans have been alive, they have sought after protection. When ancient humans lived in tribes, it was very important for people to feel a sense of physical safety, but in our more modern—and domesticated—time period, the focus has shifted toward our own spiritual and energetic protection. Relying on spells to conjure our desires into existence is an age-old practice that far outdates witchcraft, but still lives on today in the form of practical magic and spiritual rituals. 

The focus of protection spells ranges depending on the ritual and intentions that are set. Making sure that you have dedicated time to be able to focus during these spells is going to be the most important part of the process. Energy flows where our attention goes!

I am here to share all of my top tips and secrets as a modern day witch to make sure that you, your health and your home are all well protected for the times ahead! Check the list below for the five top protection spells to incorporate into your spiritual practice.

5 Protection Spells That Guard Your Energy

Red Bracelet Protection Magic

Photo: Getty Images.

Wear a Red Bracelet

What it does: Ward off the “evil eye”

In many Latin American countries, it is customary for loved ones to adorn their beloved with a red string bracelet. This practice is meant to ward off “mal de ojo” or evil eye energy from people who are jealous, envious or simply wishing bad upon you. These red bracelets not only ward off negative energy, but they are believed to bring good luck in it’s place to the wearer.

Make sure that you have a trusted loved one tie your red string bracelet upon your left wrist, as the left side of the body is associated with our “receiving” or feminine energy is best practice. Before the bracelet is placed upon your wrist, make sure that you and your accomplice are setting a proper (and positive) intention. You can either recite “this bracelet is meant to bring protection, luck and good fortune to the person who wears it” or simply set that intention silently and separately before the bracelet is tied.

It is important to note that in the original practice, red bracelets are not meant to be touched by the person who originally wore it once it falls off. It is said to be bad luck to pick it back up once it had broken off, and that the bracelet itself had gone through its lifespan of protection. Meaning, it’s best to ask someone nearby to pick up and discard the bracelet, or to simply leave it where it had fallen and walk away. As with all protection spells, we want to be cognizant of all steps in their process and not just the easy, fun or beginning stages of the spells.

Protection Prayer Magic Spell

Photo: Pexels. Courtesy of Rene Asmussen.

Recite a Prayer to the Elements

What it does: Invite protective energy into your life

This practice requires no additional items in order to be set. To set your protection spell, start by breathing in and out slowly 3 times. When you are calm and centered, chant the following protection spell three times:

Elements of the sun,

Elements of the day,

please come this way.

Powers of the Night and Day, I summon thee.

I call upon thee to protect me! So may it be.

This is a very strong and protective spell that has been in practice for occultists, witches and believers for many centuries. Connecting deeply to your own innate sense of protection while chanting this spell will help you to solidify your intention. Try to imagine a ball of golden energy surrounding you while you chant this spell, growing stronger with each reciting. 

Drink Fire Cider to Protect Your Energy and Health

Photo: Pexels. Courtesy of Jill Burrow.

Drink Fire Cider

What it does: Replenish your spiritual & physical vitals

Our health is one of the most important indicators of vitality, longevity and energy. When our health is at stake, it’s best to keep ourselves well with a protection spell in the form of “Fire Cider” or a tincture of the Gods.

To make Fire Cider:

  1. Mix chopped fresh herbs and vegetables (chilies, oregano, sage, thyme, garlic, onion, ginger, turmeric) and fill a glass jar with apple cider vinegar, making sure that the ACV covers all of the other ingredients
  2. Store this new mixture in a cool dark place for 2-4 weeks
  3. Strain your mixture
  4. Take a shot of your Fire Cider potion regularly (especially during cold and flu season or if you have been directly exposed to someone who is sick)

Many of these herbs contain antiviral properties, which help us to protect ourselves from illness, as well as negative energy. Herbs have historically been used to ward off everything from vampires (think Garlic cloves) to plagues. Fire Cider also makes a great gift or addition to a care package for your witchy friends. Don’t be afraid to play around in your apothecary *or kitchen as the muggles like to call it these days*.

How to Use Smoke to Clear Bad Energy

Photo: Unsplash. Courtesy of CA Creative.

Use Smoke Magic

What it does: Clear away negative energy & unwanted spirits

Smoke has long been known to ward off evil energy and eject spirits will ill intentions. Think about candle scrying: many people believe that you are able to see your own powerful, focused energy if you stare at the small stream of smoke that comes off of a burning candle, taking it from erratic to concentrated with just a few seconds of intentional staring. Now we want to understand where this practice started, and we can look to Aboriginal and Native American culture. From smoke signals, to smudging, to their birth rituals, the indigenous people of America truly set the stage for more modern uses of smoke and smudging tools for protection.

To start your own protection rituals with smoke, use one or more of the sustainably-sourced following:

  • Incense
  • Herbs (frankincense, pine, cedar, rosemary)
  • Sage
  • Palo Santo
  • Candles

Set an intention before burning. An example would be:

“As I light this tool, please protect me from any and all negative forces, seen or unseen and light the most aligned path ahead. Please grant me safety from all energy that attempts to hold me back from my path, my joy, my health and my purpose. So it may be.”

Candle Protection Magic

Photo: Getty Images.

Rituals to Protect Your Home

What it does: Guard & strengthen your sacred space

Our home is the space in which our vessel dwells, but it is also a hub for energy. If you have other members in your home, nosy neighbors, guests or have given your home address out to others, it can be wise to practice protection rituals for your home. The list below will give you steps to not only protecting your home, but yourself and ensuring that your health, well-being, happiness, wealth and joy are all protected through these intentional and mindful practices.

  • Mirrors: bring a mirror (or mirrors) over the flame of a lit candle and recite “I infuse this mirror with energy of this flame so that it may burn away all negative energy. I pass this mirror through the smoke so that it may protect and shield my home” then place the mirror(s) on each of the windowed sides of your home. This will reflect back all negative energy to the originator and keep your home safe.
  • Clearing clutter: stuck and stagnant energy no more! When we clear clutter (especially nostalgic clutter from our past) it helps to keep the energy light and fresh in the home, making it easier for love, creativity and clarity to exist.
  • Salt outside of the door: take ground salt and place a line outside of each door that leads outdoors from your home. Salt is said to absorb negative energy, so keeping this on the outside edge of your door is best.

Above all else, protection spells and rituals are best done when there is a deep and firm belief that you are safe. Even in moments of overwhelm, threat or doubt, root back into the divine knowing that your guides and angels want what is best for you. Take these protection spells and use them as often as you need to in order to achieve a deep and unwavering sense of safety and protection—both inside and outside of your home!

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022

Image: Unsplash, Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

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