Horoscopes Dec. 18, 2022: Brad Pitt, finish what you start
CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Christina Aguilera, 42; Katie Holmes, 44; Brad Pitt, 59; Steven Spielberg, 76.

Happy Birthday: High energy, coupled with charm, enthusiasm and discipline to finish what you start, will pave the way to success. Don’t let anyone interfere with your plans or try to talk you out of your hard-earned cash. Be true to yourself and protect your interests, and rewards will follow. Do what you love the most. Your numbers are 8, 12, 16, 22, 32, 41, 49.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Your enthusiasm will be infectious. Talk to people who can provide inside information regarding something that interests you. An emotionally satisfying direction will lift your spirits and give you hope for a brighter future. Choose peace over discord. 3 stars
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): A change looks promising and, if initiated quickly, will positively impact your life. Don’t hesitate to make a move or decision when the time is right. Connect the dots and make sure everything is as planned. 3 stars
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Give a last-minute push and you’ll get caught up. Today is perfect for tying up loose ends and making plans for next year. Revisit what you have accomplished this year, and gravitate toward the people and things that brought you the most joy. 5 stars
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Think before you take on too much or give in to overindulgence. It may be the festive season, but it’s best to be moderate. Gravitate toward people who share your concerns and interests, not those who are a terrible influence. 2 stars
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You’ll get plenty done if you stick close to home and take care of all the little things you want to achieve before year-end. Don’t be swayed by what others do or say. Set your schedule to suit your needs. 4 stars
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Go about town picking up last-minute items for the festive season. Visit a friend or relative who makes you think and who is a positive influence in your life. Face challenges with discipline and grace, and you’ll avoid discord and distress. 3 stars
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Emotions will surface quickly. Address sensitive issues carefully. Keep things in perspective, and don’t let what others do cost you or make you upset. Focus on you and what you need to do to reach your objective. Listen, assess and go about your business. Learn from experience. 3 stars
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Take care of unfinished business. Money management is required if you don’t want to fall short. Discipline will help pay the bills and ward off extravagance. Talk to people you know and trust to tell you the truth. Romance is favored. 3 stars
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Evaluate your position and consider how you want to move forward. Look for alternative ways to use your skills that are more satisfying and lucrative. Discuss your intentions and plans with someone you love. Walk away from immoderate situations. 4 stars
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Set your sights on what’s important to you and follow through. Speak from the heart, but don’t offer information that someone might use against you or that puts you in a vulnerable position. Trust in your ability to get things done alone. 2 stars
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Go over your budget and financial affairs. Put your mind at ease and update documents that are time sensitive. Brighten your space for the festive season, and enjoy entertaining family and friends. 5 stars
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Emotions will surface if you get together with people you haven’t seen for some time. Speak from the heart, and your sincerity will be appreciated and will lead to exciting suggestions and proposals that will make your day. Live, love and laugh. 3 stars
Birthday Baby: You are wise, lavish and ambitious. You are freethinking and persistent.
1 star: Avoid conflicts; work behind the scenes. 2 stars: You can accomplish, but don’t rely on others. 3 stars: Focus and you’ll reach your goals. 4 stars: Aim high; start new projects. 5 stars: Nothing can stop you; go for gold.
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