
Breaking News.
Date : February 17, 2025

First PH-related job interview. Any tips/advice?

Hi PH family! I’ve been studying public health for almost 6 years (BS and now MPH). I’m heading into the last semester of my MPH concentrating in biostatistics and epidemiology. I’ve been a TA teaching undergrad data analysis and had research positions before, but after 50 rejections, I finally have my first interview for what would be my first “big girl” job. It’s for institutional research which isn’t exactly PH/biostatistics, but the position requires the same kind of tools/software (SQL, Stata, Tableau, etc) as the more PH focused data analyst positions I was also applying for. Therefore, I really feel like it would be great for more experience since I went straight into my MPH after finishing undergrad.

It’s safe to say that I am incredibly nervous. First of all, as others here have mentioned this job search has been extremely demoralizing and I was actually ready to throw in the towel and say maybe this isn’t the right time when I got the interview offer. Second, money is very tight right now as I live in a high cost of living area, and if the Indeed estimate is correct or even close, this position would lift so much weight off my (and my family’s) shoulders. Finally, I’m not that experienced with some tools (SQL is straightforward enough but trying to practice Tableau by myself was so confusing) so I’m very nervous that I’ll be rejected in favor of someone with more experience which is what I feel like has been happening this entire job search. Any advice, tips or even words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!!!

submitted by /u/angel-hair4
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